Dear Scientists,

We are pleased to invite you to the 1st International Logistics Symposium, which will be held on 24-25 March 2020 in Edirne by Trakya University and Bulgaria-Sofia Todor Kableshkov Transportation University.

Our symposium aims to bring together international scientists and contributes to the studies carried out in science at an international level and also in order to accomplish this objective, it has been prepared with the academic goal and meticulousness of the study. Papers can be written and presented in Turkish, English and Bulgarian.

Provided that they are logistics centered and main themed within the scope of the symposium, papers will be accepted in the fields of societal, social, human and administrative sciences. We foresee that the papers  will be evaluated by the double-blind process. Accepted papers presented in the symposium will be published in the Proceeding Booklet with ISBN.

We will be honored to host you between the dates of  24-25 March 2020 in Edirne, which is called as the “City of Sultans, Sultan of Cities”  by history.

Symposium Calendar:

Deadline for Abstract Submission:                           15 March 2020

Announcement of Accepted Papers:                      18 March 2020

Deadline for Symposium Registration:                   20 March 2020

Announcement of the Symposium Program:      23 March 2020

Deadline for Full Text Submission:                          10 April 2020

Symposium Start Date:                                                 24 March 2020

End Date of the Symposium:                                     25 March 2020

Our Facebook page

Symposium Organizing Committee
This content was issued on 16.01.2020 and has been viewed for 278 times.