Loyout of the Papers



The papers are published after a confirming review.

The papers /including main text and references/ can be up to 6 pages and should be sent as doc-files (Word-2000 to Word-2007) keeping the following parameters

Font - Times New Roman. (Font Size 12, Normal, Justified)
Page size - А4 (210/297 mm), Portrait
Margins - Тор: 2,5 cm, Bottom: 2,5 cm, Left: 2,5cm, Right: 2,5 cm
First line indent -12,5 mm.(First line indent)
Spacing – Single

The first line of the title page starts at 4 cm from the top of the list /equal to 9 blank lines of main font size Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Normal/ that will be used for the logo /shall be added by the editorial board/.

The following items go next:
title of the paper (Font Size 14, Centered, Bold, Capital letters)
One blank line
author(s) (Font Size 12, Bold, Italic, Centered.)
e-mail ( Font Size 10, Bold, Centered.)
One blank line
institution (Font Size 12, Italic, Centered.)
addresses, (Font Size 12, Italic, Centered.)
country, (Font Size 12, Bold, Italic, Centered., Capital letters)
One blank line
key words (Font Size 12, Italic, Justified)
abstract (Font Size 12, Italic, Justify). Abstracts should be from 1300 to 1500 characters.
body text (Font Size 12, Normal, Justified),

- figures and diagrams (Font Size 10, Normal, Bold) – integrated in the text, with a number and caption below them.
Note: The colour diagrams should be readable with black and white printing!

- formulas - leveled up on the left and numbered on the left side with Arabic numerals in round brackets, written clearly and legibly

- sheets (Font Size 10, Normal, Bold) - integrated in the text, with a number and caption above them.

References (Font Size 12, Normal, Justified) – in square brackets and in the order of citing in the body text. Description – according the standard.



* numbers of the scientific trends are as follows:
   1. Technology, Organization and Management of Transport
   2. Safety and Reliability of Transport
   3. Economic Issues of Transport
   4. Trends and Innovations in Transport Education
   5. Engineering Logistics and Building Equipment
   6. Transport Equipment
   7. Mechanics, Mechatronics and Mathematics
   8. Transport Infrastructure
   9. Transport and Ecology
   10. Electric Power Systems and Equipment in Transport
   11. Telecommunications and Signaling Equipment, Automation Systems in Transport
   12. Electronics, Automation and Mechanization
   13. Materials Science and Technologies
   14. Architecture and Civil Engineering
   15. Maritime Transport and Technologies
   DS. PhD Section


Layout of the articles and an example article: Example2013.doc (right click, Save Target As)

This content was issued on 03.02.2020 and has been viewed for 516 times.